

The integration of our country into the European and world communities in need of some changes in modern management practices corporate social responsibility (CSR), it is necessary to establish cooperation between the state and business, and society and business that would strengthen the mutual responsibility of all participants in public life and governance in general, you need to create certain conditions for their existence. Despite the fact that many aspects of the development and management of corporate social responsibility are devoted to many scientific works, at the same time, in the theory and practice of corporate responsibility management, especially in Ukraine, there are a lot of problematic and poorly investigated issues. The purpose of the article is to define the concept of corporate social responsibility, research of the current state and development of the directions of the implementation of CSR at modern enterprises. The development of corporate social responsibility in Ukraine should be characterized by the following aspects: government and business should be represented by some individuals; socially active behavior (as a functional task of the government) should directly affect the reputation of the enterprise as a whole; a socially responsible enterprise should receive competitive advantages. The achievement of the company’s competitive advantage through CSR depends on the formation of specific management procedures, directions, principles and mechanisms for implementing CSR at the enterprise. It is precisely the application of the directions of the CSR implementation system and the availability of timely scientific support for these processes, the corresponding systematization of tasks, functions, mechanisms, tools and timely identification will make it possible to improve the current state of CSR development in Ukraine. In the context of the research, the necessity of introducing the system of corporate social responsibility into the practice of management of domestic enterprises has been substantiated and the benefits of it for the society as well as for the enterprise as a whole are determined.


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