

The article discloses theoretical provisions on the formation and implementation of an innovative strategy for a printing company. It is proved that focusing on innovative development will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of printing enterprises, and the innovative strategy is the basic tool for managing the innovative development of an enterprise. A conceptual scheme for the formation of an innovative strategy for a printing company has been developed. The process of developing a strategy is presented by the example of Vinnitsa City Printing House LLC: a mission of a printing company is defined, which is to satisfy the interests of consumers in publishing and printing products, ensuring compliance with the doctrine of the state’s information policy; a system of goals has been formulated: an individual approach and cooperation by customers, a European level of quality, minimum lead times, competitive prices for services; an assessment of the factors of the external and internal environment using the SWOT analysis; selected priority strategic directions; Of the possible alternatives, the most optimal innovative strategy of the possible alternatives, the most optimal innovative strategy of the enterprise was chosen — the strategy of technological progress (modernization).


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