


system integration, information technologies, IT industry of Ukraine, market, solutions, services, trends


In recent years, the industry of information technology (IT) has become increasingly important for the world economy. Its influence on financial and economic processes in countries as well as on technological development of many industries is growing. In general, IT industry largely determines current trends in development of business and society. System integrators play a leading role in implementation of IT solutions. It is they who ensure design, deployment and integration of IT solutions to solve customer's current tasks. Implementation of these solutions makes it possible to increase the efficiency of enterprises and organizations and ensure the provision of modern services to citizens. The article explores: essence and features of system integration in IT industry; the place of system integration market within the framework of IT industry of Ukraine; Ukrainian system integration market indicators; structure and main entities of the market; portfolio of solutions and professional services of system integrator companies; types of system integrator companies; main customers; trends of Ukrainian system integration market. Ukrainian system integration market is quite competitive and dynamic, it is developing both in terms of growth of market volumes as well as involvement and implementation of modern technologies. At the same time, since the market is largely of an investment nature, it is closely related to the general economic situation in the country. The market demonstrates high adaptability to changes in external environment, as well as flexibility to the implementation of solutions that are most relevant at the current moment for customers. There is a significant pool of system integrator companies that have high competence and experience and have been working stably on the market for recent years. Ukrainian system integrators could be presented in two groups: specialized (profile) integrators and trans industry integrators. Both groups are specified and systematized in the article. The article analyzes the reflection of global trends in IT industry and system integration market in the conditions of Ukraine, and also explores the peculiarities of Ukrainian system integration market.


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Market Study Report. Global System Integration Market Size study, by Services (Infrastructure Integration, Application Integration, Consulting), By Application (IT & Telecom, Defense & Security, BFSI, Oil & Gas, Healthcare, Transportation, Retail, Others) and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028. 2022. Available at: (access date 23.08.2022)

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Michael Hobday, Andrew Davies, and Andrea Prencipe. Systems integration: a core capability of the modern corporation. Industrial and Corporate Change, Volume 14, Number 6, 2005, pp. 1109–1143. DOI: 10.1093/icc/dth080

