


state regulation of the electricity market, energy resources of Ukraine, President of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada, Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Energy


The work analyzes the mechanisms, tools and measures of state regulation of the energy market in Ukraine in the process of its adaptation to the pan-European energy market. The main tasks of state regulation of the domestic energy market to eliminate obstacles in the process of its approach to the international electric energy space are systematized. The peculiarities of the activities of subjects of the domestic and global electricity market are taken into account. The principles of activity of energy market participants, which form the basis of the formation of strategic plans, concepts and programs for the development of the electric power complex at the state level, have been determined. Prospective directions for the development of the electricity market of Ukraine and strategies for increasing the competitiveness of electricity enterprises in the conditions of international competition and European integration have been formed. It is noted that the dynamics variability both of the global and Ukrainian energy markets necessitate the development of the energy-related sectors of the national economy. Under these conditions, the search for measures and tools for public regulations of the energy market in new conditions of the energy vector formation of the energy development becomes especially important. In this context, the relevance of scientific approaches to the development of the balanced and relevant to the features of the energy saving system and dynamic changes in the environment, effective measures to regulate the energy market, which currently remains in sufficiently studied in Ukraine, is increased. It is proved that the implementation of innovative approaches to creating conditions for the harmonious development of the energy market will increase the efficiency level of its operation, economic and national security of Ukraine. It is pointed out that the attention to the improvement of mechanisms and tools for regulating the energy market is not accidental, as evidenced by a large number of scientific studies. Within the dissertation, it is theoretically and empirically proved that fulfillment of international obligations by Ukraine, development and introduction of modern technologies and integration into the European electricity market change significantly the domestic energy market, transforming it taking into consideration such major trends as decarbonization, digitalization, and DE monopolization. The tasks of state regulation on the way to European integration are systematized.


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