entrepreneurship, printing, printing products, legislation, development managementAbstract
The article defines that effective entrepreneurial activity can develop only under certain social and economic conditions, a certain political system that encourages entrepreneurship. The conditions that most contribute to the development of entrepreneurship have been determined. Subjects of entrepreneurial activity are indicated. The main principles of management are defined. The main legislative acts that regulate business activity and specified restrictions on economic activity are defined. It is noted that printing services are often used by entrepreneurs. It is indicated that printing or the printing industry is the material and technical base of the publishing business. It is noted that Ukrainian publishing houses produced many useful products for the market in 2021, but they need to improve the speed and maneuverability of entrepreneurs. It was determined that, despite the specifics of each state, the conditions most conducive to the development of entrepreneurship can be summed up in the following system: the stability of the state economic and social policy, which is aimed at supporting entrepreneurship; positive public opinion in relation to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship; preferential tax regime, which provides an effective incentive for entrepreneurship; the presence of a developed infrastructure to support entrepreneurship (innovation centers; specialized legal organizations that provide financial assistance for opening one's own business; consulting centers on management, advertising, marketing; courses and training schools for entrepreneurs, etc.); the presence of an effective system of intellectual property protection, the effect of which extends not only to inventions, but also to all products, concepts, innovative ideas and methods of business activity; debureaucratization of procedures related to the regulation of economic activity by state authorities (simplification of registration rules, reduction of reporting forms, etc.); business ethics. It is noted that the activities of entrepreneurs are carried out in accordance with the regulatory and legal framework of Ukraine on the development and support of entrepreneurship.
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