


strategy, digitalization, implementation, martial law, activation, transformation, enterprises


Transformational and digitization changes during the period of martial law caused a new, much more difficult life for the entire country and for enterprises as well. For some businesses, this is a good fit for both online and offline business models, resulting in spurring innovation, technology diffusion and productivity. But for other enterprises, these are the reasons for the unadapted state: obstacles to entering a new regional market, not all equipment has been removed from the occupied territories, which does not allow starting the operational process, lack of funds, shortage of fuel, destruction of warehouses and logistics routes, traditional or new business models need urgent revision, because they are not activation for the enterprise precisely during the period of martial law. The article examines the strategy of digitalization implementation at the enterprise in the conditions of martial law, which covers the macro level: legal, digitalization-infrastructural and e-management components, and the micro level, which consists of the digitalization capabilities of the enterprise: transformation of commercial activities, transformation of operational business processes, transformation of the business model, which lead to business advantages in martial law conditions: use of new market opportunities in martial law conditions, improvement of service quality, optimization of business processes, locational changes of the boundaries of the enterprise's influence, which leads to the economic and security development of the enterprise in martial law conditions. In turn, the implementation of the digitalization strategy at the enterprise during the period of martial law will become the driving force for the effective and rapid continuation of the new digitalization business models of the enterprise's functioning and the development of new customers or potential consumers. In the future, the implementation of digitalization strategies at the enterprise will become economic and neuro-navigational tools for managers in making management decisions regarding digitalization and will provide an opportunity to activate and connect departments (departments) of enterprises for coordinated work, which saves time for clarifying communication contradictions.


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