leasing, financial leasing of ships, efficiency of leasing, maritime transport, developmentAbstract
The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of leasing in maritime transport and to develop proposals for ways to improve its efficiency. It is substantiated that in Ukraine leasing is still used on a small scale, and leasing operations are at the stage of formation and have a complex and sometimes contradictory nature. Attention is drawn to the fact that the financial leasing of equipment, the subject of which is a ship, is a type of shipping financial service with a large international influence, and the leasing of ships is an important part of financial leasing. Taking into account the specifics of financial leasing in shipping, it is noted that the development of the financial leasing industry can not only contribute to the inflow of funds into maritime economic development, but also effectively increase local budget revenues and contribute to the economic development of a separate maritime region. The need to improve and strengthen the political support of the financial leasing industry is substantiated, since the development of the financial leasing industry can not only contribute to the inflow of funds into maritime economic development, but also effectively increase local budget revenues and contribute to the economic development of a separate maritime region. It has been proven that an important problem in the development of financial leasing in the maritime industry is the lack of professionals who simultaneously own the leasing business and modern management methods. The main criteria for ship lessors who are entitled to the new taxation regime have been formulated. In order to successfully implement the strategy for the development of the maritime industry, the article makes specific proposals for the development of financial leasing in the maritime industry. Uncertain prospects for trade growth caused by the recovery of the global economy in the medium and long term, as well as policy uncertainty caused by new regulations on energy conservation and environmental protection, have been proven to place increased demands on marine leasing practitioners. According to the authors, using the advantages of financial leasing, it is possible to further contribute to the structural restructuring, transformation and modernization of the country's shipping and shipbuilding industry.
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