work motivation, global trends, destructive factors, labor market, efficiency of the enterpriseAbstract
The article proves that labor resources play a important role in the development of the economy. Labor resources are the main driving force that ensures the dynamic development of business entities, their flexibility and adaptability to globalization challenges, renewal and innovation. The modern labor market is under the influence of a number of destructive factors that have arisen all over the world in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on employment in all areas. In 2020, 8.8 % of working hours were cut worldwide, equivalent to 255 million full-time jobs, which is four times more than the figures of the financial crisis of 2008-2009. In addition, the war in Ukraine has had a devastating effect far beyond state. The destruction of the economy, enterprises, institutions, idle production and the service sector, mass migration negatively affected the employment sphere in various countries. These factors led to an increase in the level of unemployment throughout the world. It was revealed that the main trends in the labor market are: strengthening of globalization, integration, and international division of labor; gaining popularity of remote and online work; increasing the significance of the concept of sustainable development, transition from hyperconsumption to frugality, development of sharing and circular economy; increasing the importance of the uniqueness and exclusivity of goods and additional services. The consequence of these trends is the emergence of new professions, changes in approaches to organization and work motivation. The effects of new motivational concepts, determined by modern trends in the labor market, on the performance indicators of enterprises and labor resources management strategies in new economic conditions have been revealed. It has been proven that in the conditions of deepening income inequality and rising unemployment, competition increases. At the same time, the demands of employers and potential employees are growing. On the one hand, employers are looking for a specialist who is multitasking, speaks several foreign languages, knows how to work in a team, knows digital technologies, is ready to work overtime, travel on business trips or change the city or country as needed, is non-conflict, etc. For their part, employees demand high wages for such qualifications, which creates an imbalance in the labor market, and therefore requires a rethinking of the concept of work motivation.
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