enterprise of trade, management, economic thinking, economic activity, economic behavior, types of activityAbstract
Effective functioning, competitiveness and sustainable development of trade enterprises are determined by their economic activity in the process of bringing goods from the producer to the direct consumer. The increase and development of economic activity require corresponding changes in technologies for managing the economic behavior of trade enterprises. The purpose of the article is the formation of the concept of economic activity of trade enterprises in the context of ensuring the effectiveness of the implementation of managerial influence functions. Using the methods of scientific abstraction, system analysis, synthesis, terminological and comparative analysis, the quintessence and characteristic features of the economic activity of trade enterprises are determined. It is proven that the nature of economic activity is reflected in the economic behavior of the enterprise and is organically connected with the activity that reflects its intensity, and is formed according to the corresponding functional zones. A structural-logical model of the decomposition of the concepts "activity", "behavior", "activity" in the plane of knowledge formation about the functioning of trade enterprises has been developed. The polyaspect nature of the manifestation is revealed, the main characteristics are determined, and the author's approach to the interpretation of the definition "economic activity of a trade enterprise" is presented. It is noted that for a comprehensive idea of the economic activity of a trading enterprise, its architecture should be based on the target needs, functions and directions of economic activity in a certain period, take into account the functional zones of economic behavior, structural relationships with the business environment and the potential for their changes in the course of functioning enterprises. The architectural and compositional components and types of economic activity of a trade enterprise are defined. The division of economic activity by functional direction provides an understanding of the determinants of the formation of the potential of economic activity of trade enterprises and a comprehensive analysis of its level.
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