change, digital transformation, digital strategy, digital competencies, Industries 4.0Abstract
The purpose of the research is to study and substantiate the features of change management in the context of digitalization depending on the impact of various factors on the effectiveness of digital transformation, methodology, approaches, best practices and management tools that accelerate digital transformation. The article argues that organizations need to better develop their ability to perceive changes in business, which means that they are aware of new technological trends and changes in the business environment and are able to quickly implement the necessary changes. Methodology. In this paper we used the method of description to clarify certain concepts of digital transformation. Based on the use of analysis and synthesis methods, factors, best practices and tools for implementing digital transformation are analyzed; the inductive method is used to form a list of factors of efficiency of digital transformation that can be used in any organization as a tool for more successful management of changes in the digitalization. Scientific novelty: It is important for management to take responsibility for preparing, monitoring progress and taking action on transformation, and not just delegate it to the information manager or the digitization manager, which is common in practice. Knowledge of modern technologies and their capabilities among managers, effective management solutions for the introduction of new digital technologies and sufficient knowledge of the use of developed innovative projects are key factors of competence in Industry 4.0. In this regard, the article proves that digital transformation is not a change in technology, but a changed strategy of the organization, which is reflected in a different way of thinking. Emphasis is placed on the feasibility of using the RIA approach. It is substantiated that PIA is an approach to planning and managing the implementation of all types of changes in the organization, including digital transformations. The study found that current knowledge and leadership skills for digital transformation management are too low, there is a lack of quality staff, and in many organizations neither management nor employees have the skills to successfully manage and implement digital transformation. Conclusions. It is argued that the success of the digital transformation requires effective management, new attitudes towards employees, increased innovation and flexibility, greater cooperation and greater willingness to constantly change not only managers but all employees, which requires new digital competencies. Thus, in addition to modern approaches to human resource management, readiness and opportunities for continuous acquisition of new digital competencies will be key factors in the success of digital transformation in the future.
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