
  • Hanna Skyba Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
  • Maksym Pieshkov ВНЗ «Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом»



information technology, accounting, management accounting, ERP-systems, information systems, accounting information technologies, alternative accounting information technologies, automation of accounting, accounting automated information system, cloud technologies


Today, information technology has become one of the most important factors of economic growth, and the information technology industry has become a kind of engine of the world economy. The need to introduce modern information systems requires the transformation of the information accounting system, which is of particular importance in the context of structural transformations characteristic of the transition to a digital economy. ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) have actually become world standards and are information systems for planning and managing all enterprise resources necessary for sales, production, procurement and accounting when fulfilling orders in the field of production, distribution and services. These systems combine the functions of accounting, management, control and analysis at the same time and the implementation of the best world practices of modern business. However, their implementation on Ukrainian markets is associated with a number of difficulties. One of the main issues of Ukrainian enterprises is the issues of changes in management and accounting that arise when implementing ERP systems. At the accounting and analytical support of business activity of the enterprise today it is the task of maintaining the appropriate level of efficiency of the enterprise, functioning of which is carried out in the conditions of globalization of the competitive environment, the communication phenomenon of information relations, transformation of economic reality as a result of the implementation of technological innovations, dissemination of scientific and technological developments, knowledge and intelligence. At the moment, there are many different software products that help in the process of operating the company and keep an accounting of its activities. They accelerate the process of processing information, its generalization and storage. Each accounting program is being developed and improved, and at the moment it is increasingly beginning to use the concept of technology. Taking into account the latest political changes in the country, the market of information systems and technologies has been enriched by a number of domestic developments, and has become an attractive niche for world-class companies that are specifically developing for our country "light" versions of our products and adapting them for the needs of Ukrainian users.


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