The article analyzes the essential concept of the quality of medical services in the context of the reform of health care system in Ukraine. The content of the concept “quality of medical services” is revealed and the relationship between the terms “medical service” and “medical care” is established. It is established that the main reason for the current state of the healthcare market in Ukraine is that there is theoretically no definitive definition of the essence of the term “medical service”. However, the majority of legislative documents relating to the reform of the health sector use the term “medical care”. According to the author’s definition, the quality of medical care is understood as the property of the process of interaction of a physician and a patient due to the qualification of the staff, that is, the ability of the physician to reduce the risk of progression of the disease and the emergence of a new pathological process, optimally use the resources of medicine and ensure satisfaction of the patient from his interaction with the medical system in accordance with time requirements.
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