migration, migration policy, migration factors, classification of migration factors, emigration, external migrationAbstract
Understanding the existing processes of migration, identifying groups of factors that influence the decisions of individuals regarding migration, will make it possible to create an attractive environment that will be able to preserve the accumulated human potential of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to classify and determine the essence of population migration factors, aimed at identifying managed migration factors that will be useful for the implementation of the migration policy of Ukraine. The methods of structural and logical analysis, comparison, specification and generalization were used during the research. The author of the article made an attempt to determine the factors affecting both the dynamics and the specificity of migration processes. The author systematizes the factors of migration and divides them into: economic, social, environmental, political-legal, demographic, ethnic, and personal-psychological. It was established that each of the mentioned groups, when applied within the framework of the country or a separate region/region, allows for the most complete study of migration processes and the development of an effective migration policy for their control. Individual factors included in the above groups are easier to predict, others are not, it all depends on the collected statistical information, sources of its acquisition, sampling, etc. In any case, the information obtained from the analysis of the influence of factors on migration processes, their interaction, contributes to the development of the concept of state regulation of migration processes, which meets the basic needs, goals and interests of the state and society. The practical significance of scientific research in this direction lies in the possibility of developing effective strategies and tactics of migration policy, which will combine both state interests and the interests of migrants.
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