
  • Nataliia Kotvytska Private Higher Education Institution «European University»



аgro-food sector, methods, investment projects, innovative projects, indicators, performance measures, economic efficiency


The agrifood sector is an important component of the economy of many countries, and investment projects in this industry can be very profitable. However, before investing funds, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the project to understand whether they will be returned in the near future, as well as what the risks might be. This article analyzes methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investment and innovation projects in the agrifood sector. Various methods are considered that can be used to evaluate projects in this industry. The knowledge about different methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investment and innovation projects in the agrifood sector is summarized. An evaluation of the effectiveness of a project can help make important decisions, such as determining the feasibility of the project, identifying the volumes of investments, and forecasting potential profits.


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