


the agri-food complex of the country, vertically integrated structures, innovative agri-food policy, the economic mechanism of managing agricultural holdings


The features of integration processes in the agri-food complex of Ukraine have been investigated. The contribution of vertically integrated structures to ensuring food security has been determined. The principles of the development of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing an agricultural holding in the context of economic modernization have been determined. Based on the study of the theory of vertical integration, generalization of foreign and domestic experience in the formation of holding structures, analysis of the current state of the agri-food complex of Ukraine, the specific directions of the development of vertically integrated structures, ways of improving the economic mechanism of organization, functioning and management of agricultural holding activities in the agri-food complex are theoretically substantiated. The author’s concept of the development of vertically integrated structures has been developed, aimed at ensuring food security in Ukraine, increasing the efficiency of the functioning of agriculture, reducing transaction costs, increasing the export of products with high added value. The advantages of vertically integrated structures in the agri-food complex of Ukraine have been identified and theoretically substantiated, including the optimization of intersectoral interactions, the implementation of economies of scale, the availability of a quality guarantee system, the possibility of increasing the technological level of production. It is proposed to form the organizational structure of the agricultural holding as a single production complex with the withdrawal of non-core assets from its structure, building vertical integration on the basis of the technological chain, using outsourcing to improve the efficiency of the agricultural holding, forming horizontal production links, including main and auxiliary divisions with the aim of reducing; methodological foundations for regulating profitability in the intermediate links of the technological chain of an agricultural holding have been developed, which makes it possible to reduce transaction costs and increase the output of final products; on the basis of functional and process approaches, the role of large integrated structures in the agricultural sector and ways of improving the models of managing the activities of agricultural holdings are considered.


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