


agribusiness, enterprise, activity, management, strategic analysis


The article deals with the issues of organizational and economic support of strategic analysis of agricultural companies. A comparative analysis of the correspondence of the pace and features of the development of economic societies was carried out. In order to clarify the patterns and trends of instability in the functioning of limited liability companies, the factors that can contribute to overcoming undesirable consequences are investigated. To study the impact of instability of limited liability companies on the efficiency of their economic activity, the method of statistical measurement of land use fluctuations by the coefficient of variation is proposed. Differences in the size of land use that exist between farms are associated with the movement of land shares between individual founders. In order to clarify the patterns and trends of instability in the functioning of limited liability companies, we have studied the factors that can contribute to overcoming the undesirable consequences. In our opinion, strategic planning is the only means of predicting future problems and opportunities. Strategic planning allows to substantiate the necessary management decisions. Formal planning helps to reduce risk in decision making. By making sound and systematic planning decisions, management reduces the risk of making the wrong decision due to erroneous or inaccurate information about the enterprise's capabilities or the external situation. Planning, as it serves to justify strategic goals, helps to determine the baseline, optimistic and pessimistic levels. The enterprise development rationale is a set of actions and decisions initiated by the management, leading to the development of specific strategies. Designed to help the enterprise achieve its goals. The strategic planning process is a tool that helps in making management decisions. The task of strategic management at the enterprise is to choose strategic alternatives and determine the best ways of its implementation at the enterprise. Such implementation is procedurally implemented in the planning process. Planning is understood as a specific type of management activity aimed at choosing the optimal alternative for the development of the object of management, designed for a certain period.


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