
  • Iryna Poruchynska Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Volodymyr Poruchynsky Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Andrii Slachchuk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



trade network, retail, network retail, retail formats, development trends of network retail


The article specifies the meaning of the terms «trade network», «retail» and «network retail». The main segments of the retail market are highlighted, which include durable goods, goods of daily use and consumables, food products and objects of art. Varieties of trade networks in modern conditions and tendencies to change their formats are considered. Modern trends in the development of network retail are characterized, taking into account the peculiarities of its operation in Ukraine. It was determined that the most common representatives of chain retail are supermarkets, which offer a large assortment of essential goods with a predominantly food assortment, and hypermarkets - their largest type, which is a dynamic segment of retail trade, as a rule, is located in places far from residential areas. The ranking of the world's largest retailers by revenue and international income, presented annually by the Kantar International Market Research Company, was considered. It was determined that most of the retailers included in the scope of coverage of this company work in the segments of food products, medicines and goods of mass demand. It was found that the rating has not undergone any significant changes over the past year, except for Chinese companies. The Top-10 most profitable global retailers are characterized. A comparative analysis of various types of retail trade formats in Ukraine, in particular hypermarket, supermarket, «stores near the home» and «discounter», whose operation contributes to the growth of the rate of attracting consumers to their own retail network, was performed. The development of Internet trade in Ukraine is considered. It was determined that today in the trade of Ukraine as a branch of economy there are both domestic retail trade networks and those that work in the domestic market under the terms of a franchise or have their own parent company. The Top-12 retailers of Ukraine by revenue in 2022 are characterized. The dynamics of activity indicators of the leading trade networks in Ukraine were analyzed, in particular, revenues, profits and losses. Modern trends in the development of network retail are substantiated, taking into account the peculiarities of its functioning in Ukraine.


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