



globalization, innovation, innovative activity states, global innovation index, R&D


The article examines the impact of globalization on the innovative development of the state and the search for competitive advantages to create favorable conditions for innovative development in the context of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy. The main trends of innovative development of the countries of the world and the main forms of manifestation of globalization in the innovation sphere are analyzed. The need to create favorable conditions and implement appropriate mechanisms of the state strategy to promote the innovative development of the national economy integrated into the world community is substantiated. It was determined that globalization benefits states that provide a leading role in their economy in high-tech industries, active introduction of innovations and development of education and science. In the conditions of globalization of the world economy, there is an increase in international competition in all spheres. The rapid development of technology and knowledge in the world has led to significant breakthroughs in the field of science. Innovative activity of the state covers various activities aimed at the commercialization of knowledge and technologies. In connection with this, the innovative activity of subjects of economic systems, which serves as the basis of competitive advantages, is gaining more and more relevance. Developed countries are focused on the development of high-tech industries that make high demands on innovation. The path of Ukraine in the current stage of globalization should be oriented towards innovative development with the direct participation of the state, business and the intellectual elite. The impact of globalization on the dynamic development of the national economy will contribute to the development of innovative processes as the basis of our country's competitive advantages in the world economy. Modern paradigms of innovative development in the conditions of globalization are: informatization of society, creation of a global economy of knowledge, rapid exchange of results of intellectual activity and experience of implementation of high technologies; the rapid spread of advanced scientific knowledge and technology and the elimination of the global problem of poverty and unemployment.


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