



variation, variance, convergence, foreign direct investments, regression


The current stage of development in the country's economic and social sphere is characterized by the presence of a complex of regional problems, the resolution of which is of interest not only to government authorities at various levels, but also to scientists and researchers. As a result, a significant number of programs, tools, and measures are being developed at the national and regional levels to effectively manage the socio-economic development of territories. One of the tasks of management is the systematic identification and elimination of problematic aspects, taking into account various disparities, as these disparities intensify the uncertainty and variability of the economic environment. Foreign direct investments play an important role in the formation and development of any country's economy. The financial globalization of the domestic economy and the need to attract significant amounts of capital in the post-conflict period necessitate a more detailed study of the patterns of foreign investment, including the distribution of foreign direct investments at the territorial level. The process of foreign investment is characterized by unevenness and disproportionality of its constituent elements, resulting in an asymmetric distribution of investments among economic entities, leading to a significant number of imbalances. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study has been formed by the fundamental works of leading domestic scholars on the evaluation of disparities in regional development. In the process of addressing the set tasks, economic-statistical methods were used for constructing regression equations, methods for calculating analytical indicators of dynamic series to generalize estimates of the rate of dynamics, and graphical methods for visualizing the obtained results. Regression analysis by Barro and the coefficient of variation, as a comprehensive measure of homogeneity of the studied population, were used to assess the level of convergence of regions in terms of the volumes of foreign direct investment attracted. The results indicate the existence of slight β-convergence, which indicates the inefficiency of both state and regional strategies for attracting foreign direct investments. It is argued that there is a need to implement the experience of world and European countries in the context of equalizing regional disparities in the process of attracting foreign capital.


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