social responsibility, responsible innovation, corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, social innovationAbstract
The modern world is constantly faced with new problems, the complexity of which directly affects how society, the state, and corporations interact with each other and with their natural environment. Companies that carry out their activities in the social sphere must adapt to the changing realities of the surrounding world, foresee the trends of future changes. In the course of solving this task, various innovations in the social sphere of society, which are called corporate social innovations (responsible innovations), are developed and implemented. They are due to the need to establish new types of relationships. The growing interest in this problem focuses on new approaches that corporations can use to get closer to effectively solving pressing problems. Today, the world is gradually moving from the model of the responsible consumer to the new model of the conscious consumer. Such a consumer views the consumption process as «not only a financial transaction, but also an interaction in which personal principles increasingly influence consumption choices». For businesses, innovation is a key factor in growth and is of great importance in maintaining competitive advantage. The idea of corporate social innovation is moving into global portfolios and advanced technologies. Thus, responsible innovation is the way to long-term growth, sustainability and business prosperity.
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