social responsibility, higher education institutions, digital culture, digital knowledge, level of digitization, responsibility quadrangle, smart administration, digital studentAbstract
The aim of this article is to investigate and model the directions for fostering social responsibility in higher education institutions. A literature review and analysis of scientific research and data were conducted to develop a theoretical model that illustrates the interplay between digital culture, knowledge of digital technologies, the level of digitization, and the performance of higher education institutions. The article presents seven hypotheses that reflect the relationship between digital culture, digital knowledge, and the level of digitization in the context of shaping the responsibility quadrangle "Sociality - Economy - Ecology - Digitization." The hypotheses assert that digital culture, including smart administration, has a positive impact on the development of social responsibility in higher education institutions. This implies that universities actively adopting digital technologies and fostering a conducive digital culture contribute to the formation of socially responsible values among students and staff. Digital knowledge, including the digital student, is identified as a crucial factor for the development of economic responsibility in higher education institutions. Students equipped with digital skills and knowledge are better positioned to address economic challenges and make informed decisions with social considerations. The level of digitization, including smart measures, influences the development of ecological responsibility in higher education institutions. The application of digital technologies and smart ecological solutions can contribute to reducing the environmental impact of universities and enhancing ecological awareness among students. Taking into account these hypotheses, the research findings confirm that the development of digital culture, digital knowledge, and the level of digitization are significant factors for fostering social, economic, and ecological responsibility in higher education institutions. The implementation of digital technologies and the adoption of smart approaches can support the achievement of the responsibility quadrangle's goals. The practical significance of this article lies in providing specific hypotheses and methodological approaches that can be employed by higher education institutions to promote social responsibility. The research findings can be valuable for universities and students interested in the development of social and ecological values, as well as the utilization of digital technologies to advance these objectives.
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