

In the conditions of functioning of the modern market economy, motivation in the activity of personnel of any industrial or other structure receives special attention. This is due to the fact that market relations are characterized by many really complex, highly dynamic processes, high production efficiency, competition between participants of the labor process, its innovativeness. All such processes, however, are directly related to the human factor, the problems of human management and in the aggregate make it possible to create stable, competitive, active dream teams. Among the insufficiently researched problems in the field of human resources management, we can distinguish the problem of staff motivation, because in its diversity, multidimensionality, it actually outweighs others: problems in the conditions of market management systems. The purpose of the article is to investigate the motivational aspects of human resource management, the essence of which is crucial for the consideration of the work, the productivity of the person (personality). These aspects of management are first and foremost for the employees of the production (material) sphere. One way or another, but motivation is a specific motivational (acting) process that has its logic, consistency (stages of motivation). The main conclusions. 1. In the process of investigation of the phenomenon, the motivation of personnel management should first of all take into account the fact that the XX– XXI centuries significantly changed the work, its character, radically changed and methods of personnel management, the motivational aspects of which take on even greater importance. 2. Special literature, as a theoretical and methodological basis for the study of motivational aspects of human resources, personnel management is the literature, which is classified as follows: a) work on the fundamental bases of management (management); b) special scientific publications on “man centrist” aspects of management; c) literature on motivation issues, motivational aspects of HR management; d) literature, which analyzes the peculiarities of working conditions, culture of production, its safety, etc.; (e) special scientific developments relating directly to motivational technologies. 3. It is taken into account that in all systems of human resources management, motivational management technologies, which are connected with personal not so much professional-subject, as moral-psychological and other qualities, come first.


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