individual human capital, integral human capital, economic growth, cognitive characteristics, social environment, professional realizationAbstract
Dialectics of scientific studies of conditions and factors that determine the rate of economic growth has brought the factor of human capital to the number of the most important and determining ones. The article determines that the realization of the potential of knowledge, abilities and professional skills accumulated at the individual level, integrated into collective activity within the framework of economic entities, ensures the creation of added value and the growth of the gross domestic product on the national scale. At the same time, transition to a new level of scientific and technical development, which occurs as the result of economic growth, leads to a change or strengthening of requirements for the quality of human capital and creates the necessary conditions for such a transformation, which enables its cyclical development. Human capital is considered as a production factor, which, despite the presence of common features with physical capital, has a number of specific properties that must be taken into account during its formation. It has been shown that the level of development of educational services system, medical system, characteristics of social environment and social communications provide a significant impact on the state of human capital and determine the direction of its development. Given the fact that the beginning of the formation of individual human capital occurs at a young age at the stage of a person's acquisition of behavioral skills in his / her life and professional development, the need for a comprehensive influence on the process of forming a social environment that cultivates the priorities of intellectual development has been emphasized. It has been concluded that the formation of human capital is a systematic, time-consuming and painstaking process. The relevance of the problem of formation and the use of human capital in Ukraine has been noted in view of its significant cross-border movements that occurred as a result of the war and pre-war labor migration. The necessity to update state policy tasks in this direction, purposeful development and effective use of national human capital in accordance with the strategic goals and tasks facing the state's economic system has been stressed.
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