



energy efficiency of the economy, energy-saving technologies, influencing factors, mechanism of increasing energy efficiency, energy-efficient economy, ways of optimization


Ukraine is largely dependent on imports of natural gas and oil, which creates a risk for the economy. Reducing energy consumption through increased energy efficiency helps reduce dependence and ensure energy security.The article proves that an important aspect of energy efficiency of the economy is the application of technologies and practices aimed at reducing energy consumption, increasing energy efficiency, using renewable energy sources and rational planning of energy systems. This may include the introduction of energy-saving technologies, improvement of infrastructure, development of energy management and their use. It is substantiated that the energy efficiency of the economy can be achieved through the introduction of technological innovations that ensure a high level of productivity and efficiency of energy use. It was emphasized that important factors of energy efficiency are the use of highly efficient technologies, improvement of energy infrastructure, implementation of energy management, increasing energy awareness of society and adoption of effective legal and regulatory measures to promote energy efficiency. It is substantiated that the mechanism for ensuring energy efficiency of the Ukrainian economy depends on various factors that in a certain way affect energy consumption, energy infrastructure, energy policy and the energy sector of the economy as a whole. The main factors affecting the mechanism of ensuring energy efficiency of the Ukrainian economy are studied, namely: energy policy, energy infrastructure, innovative technologies, the state of the legislative framework in the country, the level of education and awareness of the population, the state of financing and investments. In the current conditions of Ukraine, for the restoration of its economy and stable economic development, it is necessary to use measures for the rational use of energy. Attention is focused on the fact that optimizing the influence of factors on the energy efficiency of the economy in Ukraine requires a comprehensive approach and coordination of various measures at the levels of the state, sectors and citizens. Possible ways to optimize the influence of factors on energy efficiency in Ukraine are proposed.


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