


logistics, marketing, sales, sales activity, distribution channel


The purpose of the article is the analysis of the main aspects of the sales policy of enterprises, as well as the generalization of the theoretical and methodological principles and substantiation of the scientific and practical principles of the effective use of marketing and logistics for the improvement of the sales policy of enterprises. Currently, Ukrainian enterprises operate in conditions of considerable instability of the economic and political environment. Only that enterprise survives, which is able to offer the buyer the product that best meets his needs, while ensuring its competent promotion and sales. This makes it necessary to search for highly effective methods and ways of improving the sales activities of enterprises. One of these ways is to improve the efficiency of using marketing and logistics solutions in the sales policy of enterprises based on their integration. The need to analyze this problem and find ways to solve it determines the relevance of this topic. The work uses such general scientific research methods as analysis and comparison. The existing definitions of the concept of "sales policy of the enterprise" are considered, and the own vision of this term is given. The main aspects of the sales policy of enterprises have been studied. The theoretical and methodological principles of the effective use of marketing and logistics for improving the sales policy of enterprises are summarized and substantiated. A comparative analysis of the marketing and logistics tasks of the enterprise's product sales organization was conducted. The main tasks of the combination of marketing and logistics in the product sales system are presented, the implementation of which contributes to the achievement of the main goal of the company's sales policy - ensuring the delivery of products to consumers with a high level of service and optimal costs. The scheme of the product sales process based on the integration of marketing and logistics is presented. With the optimal simultaneous use of marketing and logistics, not only sales efficiency increases, but also the entire enterprise as a whole.


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