war, labor market, demographic situation, human capital, competitiveness of employeesAbstract
The article examines the impact of restrictions imposed on certain categories of the population of Ukraine because of Russia's military aggression on the prospects for Ukraine's development. The authors analyze the mutual influence of the consequences of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine; situation on the Ukrainian labor market; as well as demographic situation in the medium and long term. Additional internal contradictions between these factors are considered, on the example of the field of information technology and the field of civil maritime transportation (passenger and freight). To achieve this goal, the following tasks were performed: the current situation in Ukraine, caused by the mutual influence of the three above-mentioned factors, was analyzed, and the prospects for the development of the situation in Ukraine were identified. Discrepancies between the labor market and some constitutional duties of citizens of Ukraine, first, in relation to male citizens of Ukraine aged 18–60 years, are highlighted. It becomes unprofitable for employers to hire employees who perform key production functions, that require time and money for additional training and integration into the production process but can be taken away from the employer at any time. The war exacerbates the population downward trend in Ukraine and makes this trend irreversible. Considering, as a rule, a higher standard of living and the level of remuneration abroad for the same jobs as in Ukraine, it becomes obvious that a person who lost a job in Ukraine for the sake of moving to a safe place of residence and was able to find a job abroad is unlikely to return to Ukrainian labor market. This is also true for his or her descendants. Thus, Ukrainian labor market and Ukrainian nation, has the prospect of being left without some of its sons and daughters who are quite able-bodied and could live in Ukraine and increase its human capital. The authors emphasize that it is necessary to take steps to promote Ukrainians to return to Ukrainian labor market after winning the war. And not only people who have not developed a successful career abroad or in the army, but first of all people who want and can contribute to the development of our state and have appropriate competencies for this, which are valued even abroad. Measures are proposed to improve the situation in present and in future.
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