region, competitiveness, determinants, potential, globalizationAbstract
The relevance of determining the determinants of regional competitiveness is due to the rapid spread of globalization in the economic and social space and the involvement of Ukrainian regions in these processes. The purpose of the article is to specify the global determinants that affect the competitiveness of Ukrainian regions. The subject of the study is the determinants that affect the competitiveness of a region. The object of the study is the globalization processes taking place in the world. Research methods: logical analysis, generalization and systematization. The article investigates the problem of ensuring the current level of competitiveness of regions, in particular, the conditions and spheres of competition, directions and trends of globalization, which made it possible to specify the determinants that affect the competitiveness of Ukrainian regions. The main determinants that influence the level of competitiveness of a region include: investment climate, reputation of regional authorities, programmatic and administrative transparency, geopolitical situation (interregional interaction), ecology, state of environmental protection, state of resource provision, regional potential, standard and quality of life, level of economic development, level of innovative development, level of compliance with the conditions of digitalization and other globalization changes, level of social development, level of social security, and level of social protection. Taking into account globalization determinants in the strategic management of the region will make it possible to reduce their negative impact and ensure sustainable competitive positions in the socio-ecological and economic space. The results of this study can be used in the practical activities of regional public authorities and local governments in Ukraine, as well as form the basis for further research on determining the competitive positions of regions (based on a forecast assessment).
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