


economic security, national economic interests, information economy, informatization, threats to economic security, risks


The article examines and specifies internal and external threats and their interrelationship in ensuring the economic security of Ukraine in the conditions of the information economy, which allowed us to come to a conclusion about their equally important influence on the realization of national economic interests. Economic security is considered from the standpoint of the phenomenological approach as a phenomenon that exists in its dualistic manifestation, namely: its essential “economic” component tends to develop, because it functions in dynamic systems, and the “security” component requires a static state, namely, the balance of economic interests It has been proven that the development of the information economy in the context of the implementation of national interests requires the spread of innovative and information technologies in all spheres of social and economic life, and security, in turn, requires stability, careful implementation of innovations from the standpoint of preventing the latest threats and risks. Attention is focused on the fact that the lack of a balanced step-by-step development of the information sphere does not allow predicting, and therefore guaranteeing the security of national economic interests in the conditions of new social, socio-economic and technological realities. The key risks of the use of advanced innovative and information technologies with a regulatory impact of an anticipatory nature on not yet established social and economic relations are outlined, among which the following are noted: strengthening of socio-economic stratification in society as a manifestation of uneven access to the latest knowledge and technologies of information progress, which provokes crises phenomena and conflicts of interest; a group of risks associated with the virtualization of the financial sector (irregulatory issues of the virtual assets market; increasing the share of the money supply that is outside the control of the regulator; use of virtual currencies for illegal transactions; expansive penetration of foreign financial institutions into the domestic market). It was determined that ensuring the country's economic security is considered in the study as an activity aimed at eliminating obstacles, risks and preventing threats to the country's national economic interests in the information economy.


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