


state policy, mechanisms, principles, the sphere of waste-free agricultural production


It was established that the development of state policy in the field of waste-free agricultural production allows limiting the negative impact of production and consumption waste on humans and the environment, and the involvement of secondary resources in economic turnover as additional sources of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, other products or products for the production of goods (products ), performing work, providing services or receiving energy. The role of state policy in the field of waste-free agricultural production consists in the improvement of mechanisms of normative legal regulation, the creation and establishment of effective control and supervision methods in the field of waste-free agricultural production, the introduction of mechanisms of economic regulation of waste management activities, the improvement of pricing mechanisms in this field, the development of a perfect system management, creation of infrastructure for waste management; implementation of an effective information policy among the population on issues of waste management. It was determined that the implementation of the reform in the field of waste-free agricultural production in the regions is associated with a number of problems. They are often caused by the lack of and low-quality information in the field of waste-free agricultural production, poor-quality methodical materials for the preparation of regional programs, which makes it difficult to link these documents with existing enterprises and organizations operating in the region. It was concluded that the information policy in the field of waste-free agricultural production is ineffective. Statistics on the collection of secondary raw materials indicate a low level of environmental education of the population. A poorly developed procurement base, lack of a unified information space, disunity, and most often reluctance to exchange information between procuring and processing enterprises led to the current situation in the industry. It has been proven that the successful implementation of large-scale tasks of rational management of waste flows should be based on the use of an effective organizational mechanism, which includes: ways of organizing technological processes of the waste management system: separate collection and classification of waste, creation and placement of separate collection points, removal of waste from the private sector, creation of processing enterprises, modern landfills, etc.; tools of the organizational management mechanism, the constituent parts of which are: development of regulations for the interaction of bodies of various levels of executive power; organization of additional specialized education, raising the professional level of the organization's personnel, etc.


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