
  • Yuliia Pereguda Private Joint Stock Company "Higher Educational Institution "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"; National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine



animal husbandry, competitiveness, regulation, market, production, economic challenges, import, export, industry, organic aquaculture, fish farming, trade


The article is devoted to the analysis of conceptual approaches to managing the development of financial activities of agrarian enterprises in the field of animal husbandry. Attention is directed to actual aspects of financial management, specific to the agricultural sector, in particular, animal husbandry. The article examines the key concepts and strategies of managing financial resources of agrarian enterprises with a focus on livestock production. The theoretical principles of effective financial planning, control and analysis, which are important components of successful financial management in the agricultural sector, are disclosed. Special attention is paid to innovative approaches to financial management, taking into account the modern challenges and opportunities of the livestock industry. The importance of using modern tools and technologies to optimize financial processes in agriculture is highlighted. The result of the article is the systematization of conceptual approaches to managing the development of financial activities of agrarian livestock enterprises, which can serve as a basis for further research and development of financial management strategies in this field. Additionally, the positive and negative sides of using each of the defined five concepts of competition for the formation of the competitiveness of Ukrainian livestock and Ukrainian livestock products are determined.


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