


personnel policy, personnel potential, digitization, digital technologies, human resources


The authors have examined the types of personnel policies and their main characteristics in the context of their possible adaptation to modern conditions, particularly in the context of digitization. It is noted that the most important direction of personnel policy is working with the reserve of managerial staff. This emphasizes the importance of planning career growth and development of employees within the organization. Professional advancement should be based on a qualitative assessment of the employee's professional qualities and the results of their work. Focusing on the development of personnel in the context of digitalization will allow organizations to be ready for the challenges of the modern world and ensure stable and successful development. The authors have highlighted the main components of personnel policy and expanded their context in connection with the growing influence of digitization. The article also emphasizes that in modern conditions, there cannot be a one-size-fits-all personnel policy, as it needs to be adapted to the specifics and needs of each company. Taking this aspect into account is a crucial element of successful organizational development in a strategic perspective. Digitization can impact various aspects of personnel work, including the reform of recruitment processes, the implementation of effective assessment and development systems, as well as supporting dynamic staff interaction. HR strategies and HR policies, despite their interaction, have their differences, especially when viewed from the perspective of duration and planning. The development of HR strategies and policies can span different periods, but it is important to consider the factors that influence the choice of duration. The authors stated that the duration and methods of developing personnel strategies should be adapted to the specifics of the organization and take into account the impact of digitalization on personnel management. The duration and methods of developing personnel strategies should be adapted to the specificities of the organization and take into account the impact of digitization on personnel management.


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