
  • Mykola Zayets The Pre-Danube branch of the Private Joint Stock Company "Higher Education Institution "The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"
  • Oleksiy Miroshnychenko The Pre-Danube branch of the Private Joint Stock Company "Higher Education Institution "The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"
  • Anastasiia Skalska The Pre-Danube branch of the Private Joint Stock Company "Higher Education Institution "The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"




enterprise management, management goal, enterprise, improvement of enterprise management, management system, control


The article considers the importance of creating a modern management system for enterprises, which will allow the organization to move to a new stage of development and take into account the need to modernize the organizational management structure taking into account changes in the external environment. The main approaches to understanding the current state, patterns of development, problems of the existence and functioning of the enterprise management system were summarized. Special attention is paid to highlighting the practical experience of applying managerial analysis of enterprise activity in the process of step-by-step development of enterprise management systems. Key approaches to defining such economic categories as efficiency and effectiveness of the management system were considered, taking into account their differences and characteristics. The purpose of managing the organization was clarified in the context of the current level of development of market relations in Ukraine. It was noted that it is important to assess the effectiveness of the management system according to the criteria of the effectiveness of all subsystems of the enterprise: economic, organizational and social. The main problems that arise when ensuring the effectiveness of management at domestic enterprises in the conditions of modern management were summarized. On the basis of the identified problems, key methods of optimizing the management system at domestic enterprises were proposed in the conditions of an unstable economy and difficult social conditions in the country. The essence and key principles of the functioning of the management system are considered, with special emphasis on their fundamental role in the activity of all socio-economic objects and subsystems of the enterprise. The main management systems that help the enterprise fulfill its mission in the market while maintaining a stable position and competitiveness are described. When considering the determining directions of optimization of the enterprise management system, the main emphasis is placed on the competitiveness and competence of commercial activity, the adaptability of the organization to the changing conditions of the external environment, and the timely adoption by the business entity of relevant management decisions. The main directions for improving the enterprise management system are identified, which are focused on improving the processes of planning, accounting and control of economic activity on the market.


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