digital transformation, strategic management, adaptation, enterprise, developmentAbstract
The article analyzes the impact of digital transformation on strategic management within enterprises in the context of modern realities. The aim of the study is to explore how successful digital transformation not only enhances operational efficiency but also significantly increases the ability of enterprises to adapt to rapidly changing environments. The relevance of the topic is highlighted by the fact that the integration of digital tools into strategic management processes leads to improved decision-making efficiency and strengthens the overall competitiveness of enterprises. The research methodology involved analyzing existing scientific literature and practical case studies related to digital transformation and its impact on management practices. Methods of analysis and synthesis of information were employed, as well as comparative analysis of traditional and digital approaches to strategic management. The study focuses on examining priority management methods that facilitate the rapid adaptation of enterprises to digital changes. The findings underscore that to fully leverage the opportunities presented by digital technologies, traditional approaches to strategic planning and management need to be rethought and updated. Digital technologies offer unprecedented potential for transforming business operations, streamlining processes, and fostering innovation. To realize these benefits, organizations must adopt a proactive approach to digital integration, embedding these tools across all levels of management and operational activities. The practical value of the research lies in providing a comprehensive set of methods and tools for the effective integration of digital technologies into business processes. This is not merely about adopting new technologies but involves a fundamental shift in how organizations operate. Strategic alignment of digital initiatives with broader business goals, continuous learning and innovation, and a culture that embraces change and values agility are essential. By implementing these strategies, enterprises can more effectively address external pressures and establish themselves as leaders within their respective sectors. Thus, digital transformation should be viewed not just as a technological upgrade but as a comprehensive strategic imperative that can drive business growth, enhance competitiveness and ensure long-term sustainability.
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