


competition, competitiveness, factor of competitiveness, trade, consumer market, enterprise


With the beginning of the war, many companies, including international ones, suspended their activities on the Ukrainian market, which led to the simplification of business entities' entry into the market. The full-scale invasion of the aggressor country primarily affected the change in consumer priorities and increased demand for domestically produced products. This caused a decrease in the volume of imports, which leads to the intensification of competition among local producers and promotes the development of domestic production. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, many international companies have either stopped working in Ukraine altogether or suspended their activities. In connection with these events, an increase in competition among domestic manufacturers was monitored through the appearance of new participants precisely in connection with the easing of conditions caused by the withdrawal of some foreign entities from the market and the preference of Ukrainians for the products of domestic manufacturers. It is external crisis factors that have a significant destabilizing effect, which leads to the aggravation of threats to the competitiveness of trade enterprises, among them the following: economic, political, social, scientific and technological factors. Despite the full-scale military operations and the blockade, business in Ukraine continues to develop. Registration of new enterprises is growing rapidly, which explains the ability of Ukrainian business to adapt and find new opportunities even in the most difficult conditions. The prospects for the development of competition in the consumer market of Ukraine in the conditions of the military conflict are determined by a number of key features - increased patriotism and the preference for domestic goods in the consumer behavior of the population contribute to the growth of the popularity and competitiveness of Ukrainian manufacturers. In general, despite the challenges associated with the military conflict, Ukrainian trading companies have the opportunity to actively develop and compete in the consumer market, using their flexibility and innovative potential.


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