
  • O. I. Dikarev Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


There is сonceptualized the actual Chinese staggered experience for Ukraine: (1) participation in global value added networks (hereinafter referred to as the GMDM) contributes to investing in developed and developing countries, regardless of their level of technological development and per capita income; (2) GMDM acts as a mechanism for calculating value in the process of creating a final product, which includes the technological stages of production, design, sales; (3) A favorable investment climate means economically attractive business conditions (moderate taxes, benefits, guarantees), political stability, financial conditions affecting the inflow of domestic and foreign investment in the economy of the countries, availability of legislative framework; (4) FDI acts as a kind of investment in the enterprise, the economy of the country (international capital movements in the forms: 1) investing directly in the enterprise, land and other capital objects; 2) as managerial control over the object of investment; 3) horizontal (when a business entity from a donor country receives or invests in the company of the same level and type in the technological chain in the recipient country in order to increase capacity; 4) vertical (when a business entity from a donor country invests in a company with a lower or higher level in the technological chain in the recipient country); (5) strategic planning — these are geopolitical, geo-economic, geophysical strategies with Chinese specificity, which ensure the interests of the investor-donor and the state, in ensuring the impact on the behavior of the recipient enterprise; (6) recourse to the experience of the People’s Republic of China due to several circumstances: 1) the importance of participation in the GMDM is particularly important for developing countries; 2) China deliberately encompasses the economy in the GMDM; 3) China itself has a key role in geofinancial architecture, which is determined by the growth of its economic potential; 4) the PRC has accumulated considerable experience in the development of legal mechanisms for FDI regulation in terms of participation in the GMDM.


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