personnel potential, construction sector of the economy, efficiency, motivation, formation, organizational and economic processAbstract
The issue of the effectiveness of forming and building human resources in the construction industry is extremely acute today. Sufficient supply of enterprises with the necessary highly qualified personnel and their rational use is of great importance for the effective functioning and economic growth of the construction industry. It is the construction sector that provides the necessary material base for the functioning of all other sectors of the economy, including infrastructure, roads, buildings, industrial and production facilities, i.e. all material goods that meet the needs of society. The construction industry is one of the most important sectors of the economy in terms of the amount of money spent and the number of people employed, which necessitates the development of comprehensive organizational and economic mechanisms for its functioning. The quality of its development is a signal for the economic system of the whole country and a clear indicator of the standard of living of the population. Human capital development is a complex and multifaceted process. It is important to approach it in a timely and comprehensive manner, as well as to learn from the experience gained. Features of the human resources potential of the construction sector in Ukraine include a number of problems. Demographic situation (aging personnel, shortage of young specialists, large outflow of qualified personnel abroad), low level of prestige of construction professions, insufficient compliance of educational programs with the needs of the labor market, shortage of specialists with knowledge and experience of new technologies and innovations in construction, low level of payment and dangerous working conditions complicate the situation in the industry. Economic and political instability, war and occupation of part of Ukraine's territory have the most significant negative impact. To solve these problems, it is necessary to improve working conditions and wages, increase the prestige of construction professions, modernize educational programs, improve the qualifications of personnel, encourage young people to work in the construction industry, and create favorable conditions for the development of the sector. The article analyzes the term "human resources potential" and its interpretation by domestic and foreign researchers. The main factors influencing the personnel process and its main components are identified.
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