innovation, agricultural management, technology, productivityAbstract
In conditions of high competition in the agricultural sector, achieving a balance between consumers of agricultural products is of particular importance. Economically, it is determined that the main lever for ensuring competitiveness is not only the efficiency of economic activity, but also the efficiency achieved by the introduction of innovative technologies into production. It is the introduction of innovations in agricultural production at all stages that can increase the productivity and, therefore, the competitiveness of agricultural companies. The efficiency of use and the dynamics of the development of the innovative sphere have become a decisive factor in ensuring the competitiveness of the economy and, in many respects, the determining place of every country in the world. In the domestic agrarian sector, a number of problems are highlighted that do not allow effective use of its innovative potential: low level of financial support for the innovative sector; uneven distribution of innovations across regions; inefficient use of available scientific potential; lack of proper basis and compliance with international standards of legal protection of intellectual property compliance with international standards of legal protection of intellectual property. The article examines the possibilities and prospects of implementing the results of innovative activities in the economy, in particular in the agricultural sector, using the experience of developed countries. In modern conditions, characterized by the instability of the global financial and agro-food markets, there is a redistribution of innovation flows in the direction of the growth of innovations in pharmaceuticals, medicine, biotechnology, as well as organizations that produce software and information and communication technologies. However, the growing demand for agro-food products dictates the need to create a highly efficient and innovative agro-industrial complex in Ukraine. The work examines the potential opportunities for introducing innovative development into the agricultural sector and the economy as a whole, which were developed by international and domestic organizations, as a result of which the most progressive innovations introduced into the agricultural sector of the leading countries were identified, the factors that prevent the introduction of innovations into agriculture are given.
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