foreign markets, export, motives, integrated management systems, international standardsAbstract
The purpose of this article is to study the main features of the development of Ukrainian industrial enterprises in foreign markets, to substantiate their motives and incentives and new approaches to expanding the export opportunities of domestic business structures. The article analyzes the current peculiarities of development of domestic industrial enterprises in the world markets. Some attention is paid to the problematic aspects of enterprises entering international markets under martial law. On the basis of statistical and economic analysis, the author characterizes the export activity of enterprises, including in the conditions of war, identifies the factors of negative impact on the dynamics of exports, etc. The main motives and incentives for modern business structures to enter foreign markets are systematized, in particular, on the basis of opportunities to obtain higher income; expanding sales opportunities; increasing the number of customers served in international markets, growing the internal and external image of business structures, reducing costs through production expansion, etc. The author outlines the most promising areas of investment projects aimed at improving the foreign economic activity of industrial enterprises. Since the demand for new management standards is constantly growing and many business structures are at different stages of implementation, certification and further development of management systems in accordance with the requirements of international standards or specifications, one of the important factors in the process of a company's entry into the foreign market may be the implementation of an integrated management system. It ensures the successful functioning of any enterprise and its certain export opportunities. The integration of the management system recommended by us can provide certain benefits for business entities, such as improving the planning system and increasing the efficiency of business development; ensuring the most systematic approach to risk management, including in the formation of the company's foreign economic strategy; reducing conflicts between systems; reducing duplication and bureaucracy; improving relations with partners and stakeholders, in particular in foreign markets; improving business reputation and image.
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