


real estate market, management, social aspects


The real estate market is a complex socio-economic system, the management of which largely determines the well-being of the country. That is why its study is of scientific interest and has practical significance. Management of the real estate market can be carried out by different methods, at different stages, and with different goals. In addition, it is important to assess the degree of influence of various factors shaping the real estate market. An important aspect that has a significant impact on the real estate market is social, so it is important to assess the degree of its influence on the real estate market management system and outline the mechanisms through which it affects the real estate market. The article reveals the content of the real estate market and the features of its functioning. The content, concept, role and features of the real estate market in the socio-economic development of the country are considered. The level of social orientation of the state in the real estate market was assessed. difficulties faced by state bodies when taking into account social aspects in the framework of managing the real estate market, as well as how social aspects can be leveled when managing the development of the real estate market, in modern conditions of martial law. The characteristics of real estate as a product and as an investment asset are given, the main factors affecting the real estate market are investigated. In particular, an assessment of the influence of social factors on the effectiveness of real estate market management was carried out, and it was also determined how they affect the level of activation of operators operating in it. The need for state regulation of the real estate market is shown, which makes it stable and meets the interests of broad segments of the population, which in turn will provide an opportunity to increase the influence of the social aspect on the real estate market. Along with this, a number of recommendations have been proposed to improve the management of the real estate market taking into account the social aspect, in particular proposals that will allow operators operating in the real estate market to intensify their activities in the conditions of martial law, due to the introduction of state management and effective social programs implemented with the help of the state.


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Guignet, D., What Do Property Values Really Tell Us? A Hedonic Study of Underground Storage Tanks. Land Economics, 2013, 89, pp. 211–226. URL:

Sirmans, G.S. et al., The Value of Housing Characteristics: A Meta Analysis. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2006, 33(3), pp. 215–240. URL:

Державні програми, які направлені на забезпечення житлом ВПО шляхом надання пільгових довгострокових кредитів. URL:

Friedman Jack P., Harris Jack C., Lindeman J.B. (2003). Dictionary of Real Estate Terms. – Third Edition. Barron's Educational Series, Inc., New York.

Friedman Jack P., Ordway L. (1992). Income Property Appraisal and Analysis. – American Society of Appraisars, – Prentice Hall, New Jersey Nelson.

Grant S., and Dale A. Whitman (2006). “Real Estate Finance and Development”, West Publishing, St. Paul, Minn.

Guignet, D. (2013). What Do Property Values Really Tell Us? A Hedonic Study of Underground Storage Tanks. Land Economics, 89, pp. 211–226. Available at:

Sirmans, G. S. et al. (2006). The Value of Housing Characteristics: A Meta Analysis. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 33(3), pp. 215–240. Available at:

Derzhavni prohramy, yaki napravleni na zabezpechennia zhytlom VPO shliakhom nadannia pilhovykh dovhostrokovykh kredytiv. Available at:

