digital transformation, personnel management, HR technologies, adaptation, automation, remote work, artificial intelligence, big dataAbstract
The article explores modern tools for adapting human resource management systems to the conditions of business digital transformation. The impact of digital changes on HR functions is highlighted, emphasizing the need for the integration of innovative technologies into HR processes. Key HR technologies are analyzed, including the automation of routine tasks, the use of cloud platforms for talent management, remote work systems, and online learning tools. The study examines the role of artificial intelligence and big data in making strategic decisions related to personnel. The theoretical aspects of the application of adaptive tools are explored, outlining the advantages and limitations of their use. Special attention is given to the challenges organizations face in integrating these technologies while maintaining the flexibility and effectiveness of human resource management practices. The article examines how digital transformation fundamentally changes traditional HR tasks, requiring a new approach to personnel management. HR departments must now focus on using data and implementing technology solutions to make strategic decisions. Special attention is paid to the personalization of the employee experience, which is becoming a key element in attracting and retaining talent. Continuous improvement of staff skills is also emphasized, as this is critical for adapting to rapid changes and new challenges in the work environment. Furthermore, the research identifies the significance of data-driven insights in optimizing HR strategies and ensuring their alignment with the ever-changing digital landscape. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how adaptive mechanisms can transform conventional HR functions and propose areas for further academic exploration in the field of human resource management under the influence of digitalization. This comprehensive analysis underscores the importance of continuous technological advancement, strategic HR planning, and proactive change management to enhance organizational agility and maintain competitiveness in the digital era.
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