
  • Mykola Kravchenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine



electronic money, settlements, globalization, financial instruments, accounting, regulation


The article examines modern trends and prerequisites for the introduction of electronic payment systems in the financial activities of agricultural enterprises. In the work, a detailed analysis of the legal framework of Ukraine regarding the regulation of electronic money, including laws and regulations of the National Bank of Ukraine, was carried out, and the main problems and gaps in the legislation were identified. As a result, the author systematized the identified problems of regulatory and legal regulation of the circulation of electronic money and proposed ways to overcome them. The introduction of electronic money in the calculations of agricultural enterprises requires the updating of accounting processes, adaptation to modern challenges and proper regulation by the state. The adaptation of these technologies is especially important in the agricultural sector, where financial operations have specific features due to the seasonal nature of production, dependence on natural factors and a significant volume of operations with various counterparties. The expansion of the use of electronic payments and virtual assets in economic activity emphasizes the need to develop an effective legal framework and improve methodological recommendations for accounting for such transactions. Special attention is paid to the accounting of electronic money in agricultural enterprises, accounting methods and difficulties arising during the audit of such operations are highlighted. The author identified imperfections in the accounting display of transactions with electronic money and highlighted their nature, which made it possible to establish directions for the rational solution of such inaccuracies. As a result, the author identified the associated risks of using electronic money in the economic calculations of agricultural enterprises and the basic directions for leveling their potential negative impact. The presented study was carried out in the context of the impact of European integration and globalization processes in the agribusiness of Ukraine, which act as a catalyst for the development of financial instruments and the popularization of electronic money.


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