computerization, economic analysis, control, information, information systems, software productsAbstract
In conditions of instability, the need for computerization of economic analysis and control increases, since for effective management it is necessary to quickly generate economic information in accordance with the requests of managers and other interested parties. The purpose of the article is to critically assess the computerization of analysis and control and their software in modern conditions from the standpoint of improving the quality of management of business entities. The areas of computerization of business processes (integrated systems, analytical and control software products) are proposed, which take into account the scale of the business entity, management requests and allow the management of the enterprise to quickly achieve the set goals. As a result of the analysis, a list of systems that are difficult to integrate into Ukrainian enterprises was formed, which is related to both their high cost and organizational and algorithmic complexity. The accounting programs of Ukrainian manufacturers of analytical direction are singled out, which are adapted to Ukrainian legislation and expand the possibilities of conducting analysis. Software products for the computerization of control are proposed, which allow optimizing control tasks and increasing the level of employee productivity. This contributes to the achievement of the set goals of business entities in terms of balancing activities and ensuring resource savings. Summarizing the methodological provisions of economic analysis and control of business entities, the main criteria for choosing a software product are determined, which will allow managers to choose the optimal development option based on management requests. The application of the proposed approach will allow managers to choose the optimal, maximally adapted to their subject program option, oriented to management requests. The advantages of computerization of economic analysis and control have been determined, which positively affects the quality of management decision-making in the competitive conditions of the business entity's functioning. It has been proven that the adaptation of computer technologies in the process of conducting economic analysis and control of the activities of enterprises increases the quality of their implementation, transparency, accuracy and the choice of the optimal development scenario. Prospects for further research should be aimed at studying the problems, advantages and disadvantages of using different software products in accordance with the management requests of the business entity. This will contribute to the identified advantages and disadvantages in the process of their adaptation to the economic process.
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