


coaching, coaching model, ethical principles, personnel management, competitive environment


The purpose of this article is to conduct a comprehensive study of coaching’s impact on the effectiveness of management processes and personnel development, identify the key barriers limiting its integration, and provide recommendations for overcoming these challenges in Ukrainian companies. The relevance of the topic stems from the increasing demand for adaptive and resilient management practices that align with the rapidly evolving market conditions and the need to attract, retain, and develop talent in an environment characterized by volatility and complexity. The study employs a mixed-method approach, incorporating qualitative interviews with HR professionals and quantitative surveys among employees who have participated in coaching programs. The research methods included comparative analysis of coaching outcomes, statistical evaluation of employee performance and satisfaction metrics, and content analysis of organizational feedback. This approach allowed for a comprehensive examination of coaching’s impact on both individual and team performance as well as its influence on organizational culture. The article analyzes key obstacles preventing widespread adoption of coaching in the corporate sector, offering strategies to overcome them. It identifies and systematizes the ethical principles essential to coaching and proposes a coaching model as a strategic tool in personnel management, highlighting its critical role in promoting sustainable growth in a competitive business environment. The results of the study indicate that coaching significantly enhances employee motivation, strengthens internal communication, and fosters a proactive approach to skill development. When effectively implemented, coaching programs result in marked improvements in job satisfaction and productivity, fostering a supportive workplace where employees feel valued and empowered. The findings underscore the importance of integrating coaching into corporate culture as a means to drive sustainable growth and maintain a competitive edge in a fast-paced business environment. The article emphasizes the practical value of coaching for providing long-term psychological and emotional support for employees under constant stress and increasing productivity demands. The recommendations offered in the article serve as a guide for structuring effective coaching initiatives that enhance workforce resilience, agility, and overall organizational performance.


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