


martial law, material motivation, medical workers, motivation, health care, psychological support, professional development


Over the past five years, Ukraine has faced significant challenges, including economic crises and, more recently, the full-scale war with Russia, which has dramatically impacted various sectors, including healthcare. One major issue has been the motivation and retention of personnel, especially in critical fields like medicine. Motivation plays a crucial role in the productivity and efficiency of employees, and in the case of healthcare workers, this factor has been severely strained due to the ongoing war. Before the war, traditional methods of employee motivation in Ukraine, such as monetary rewards (e.g., bonuses or salary increases), were widely used. However, with the onset of the Russian invasion in 2022, the landscape changed drastically. The war imposed extreme psychological and physical pressures on healthcare workers, leading to heightened stress and burnout. As a result, new strategies for employee engagement, loyalty, and overall motivation became essential for healthcare institutions to continue functioning. The war has also forced organizations to rethink the hierarchy of motivational factors. Where financial incentives once dominated, the current environment demands more focus on psychological and emotional support, work-life balance, and creating a supportive workplace culture. The role of leadership in providing feedback, recognition, and ensuring the emotional well-being of staff is more critical than ever. As Ukraine’s healthcare system continues to adapt to wartime realities, innovative motivational strategies must be developed to address both the immediate and long-term needs of its medical workforce. Thus, the war has redefined priorities in employee motivation. The need to maintain morale, especially in high-stress environments like healthcare, requires a holistic approach that includes not just financial incentives but also psychological support and recognition of individual contributions. These changes will be vital for the continued functionality of Ukraine’s healthcare system during the war and beyond.


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