digitization, digital transformation, digital economy, digital technologies, digital financial technologiesAbstract
The implementation of digital technologies into business processes allows companies not only to optimize workflows and reduce costs but also to significantly enhance productivity, which underscores the relevance of the research topic. The purpose of this article is to provide a scientific rationale for theoretical approaches to defining the terms "digital transformation," "digitalization," and "digital economy," as well as to highlight certain aspects of these definitions in the context of views from both domestic and foreign scholars. Methodology: The authors identify key aspects of managing the effectiveness of digital transformation in entrepreneurial structures. Scientific novelty: The significance of these studies for the global community and science is revealed, particularly in understanding the fundamental changes occurring in the economy and society under the influence of digital technologies. The researchers explore digitalization, which is not limited to specific technological innovations but encompasses various levels of society and organizations, creating a comprehensive impact on lifestyle, business, and international relations. The authors of the article note that digital transformations have a broader context and require a systematic approach for effective change management. Digital transformation permeates not only the business sphere but also encompasses all aspects of societal life, including education, healthcare, and public administration. The authors have extensively examined three key components of the digital economy that reflect the essence of its functioning: electronic business infrastructure, e-business, and e-commerce. These components interact and are interconnected, forming the foundation for the development and operation of the digital economy. Understanding these elements allows not only for analyzing the current state of the digital economy but also for developing strategies for its further development and improvement. Analysis of domestic and foreign literature indicates a significant need for further research into the development of digital transformation within entrepreneurial structures in Ukraine. This aspect is critically important for the successful integration of Ukrainian companies into the global economy.
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