
  • Andrii Pivniuk State University of Information and Communication Technologies



marketing, marketing management, telecommunications marketing, innovations, implementation


The presence of competition in the market and reduced consumer demand affects the decline in sales volumes, which significantly impacts all components of business operations and creates crisis situations within enterprises. In ongoing wartime conditions, sales opportunities are complicated, the external environment is highly unstable, and consumer demands are increasing. A marketing management system allows telecommunications enterprises to adapt to new needs and tasks, understand the fluidity of processes, and adjust to relevant requirements. The article explores the innovative features of effective marketing management in the modern business environment of telecommunications enterprises. A formulation of the marketing management system is proposed, along with its components and their capabilities. The functioning of the marketing management system for telecommunications enterprises should be based on a systematic approach and the mutual integration of various marketing technologies for the most effective results, considering the specifics of products, the sales market, consumer behavior, and contemporary needs. The article systematizes effective strategies for the innovative marketing management system and defines the main structural components used in the activities of the modern marketing concept of telecommunications enterprises. The features of the components and the application of innovative marketing management are examined, which can positively influence the improvement of telecommunications enterprises' functioning in wartime and further post-war development. The article analyzes the possibilities of using marketing management in various aspects of telecommunications enterprises' operations. It also presents modern aspects of the innovative marketing management system within telecommunications companies and organizations. The article discusses the optimization and improvement of marketing through personalization, the use of digital channels, strategies for additional and quality value-based sales, the implementation of artificial intelligence and analytics technologies, the importance of focusing on service with environmental awareness, and adapting to competition from content platforms in the current conditions.


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