



personnel motivation, motivation tools, labor quality, personnel management


The article explores the key factors of staff motivation as an effective tool for influencing the quality of work, highlighting their importance in achieving organizational goals. In today's business environment, where competition is intensifying and the labor market is becoming more dynamic, employee motivation plays a central role in ensuring high productivity, customer satisfaction and retention of talented personnel. The author focuses on the impact of intrinsic motivation on the professional achievements of employees, noting that it is internal factors such as personal development, responsibility for results, and the desire to achieve new heights in one's career that can significantly improve the quality of work performance. Creating the conditions for each employee to realize their maximum potential is particularly relevant in specific industries, such as construction, where risk factors, deadlines and teamwork need to be taken into account. The article also discusses the specifics of employee motivation in the context of wartime, when new challenges related to security, uncertainty and instability arise. It discusses how organizations can adapt their motivation strategies in times of crisis to maintain employee morale and encourage them to work productively despite external difficulties. An Important part of the study is the analysis of the impact of motivation on labor quality in African countries. It provides evidence of the unique cultural and economic contexts that shape approaches to motivation. The article proposes to conduct a detailed analysis of the impact of motivation on labor quality in Ukraine, which will allow to take into account local peculiarities of doing business and help to develop strategies that take into account the needs and expectations of Ukrainian employees. As a result, the article provides valuable recommendations for managers and HR professionals on how to develop effective incentive programs. It emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach to motivation, including both tangible and intangible incentives, and the entire spectrum of thinking from the company to the individual employee. This article will be a useful resource for academics, managers, and all those seeking to improve the performance of their organizations through a deeper understanding of motivational factors, particularly in a time of critical need for the country.


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Kazaz, A., Manisali, E., & Ulubeyli, S. Effect of basic motivational factors on construction workforce productivity in Turkey. Journal of Civil Engineering & Management, 2008, 14(2), pp. 95–106.

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Najib, A. F., Soon, N. K., Zainal, R., Ahmad, A. R., & Hasaballah, A. H. A. (2018). Influential factors in construction industry of Yemen. In Proceedings of the 21st international symposium on advancement of construction management and real estate, pp. 927–943. Singapore: Springer.

Kassem, M., Khoiry, M. A. and Hamzah, N. (2020). Assessment of the effect of external risk factors on the success of an oil and gas construction project. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(9), 2767–2793. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-10-2019-0573

Sultan, B. and Alaghbari, W. (2020). Investigating the Cost of Modern Construction in Yemen. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 11 (3): pp. 97–104. (March 2020). Available at: http://iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/Journal_uploads/IJCIET/VOLUME_11_ISSUE_3/IJCIET_11_03_010.pdf

Jarkas, A. M., Al Balushi, R. A., & Raveendranath, P. (2015). Determinants of construction labour productivity in Oman. International Journal of Construction Management, 15(4), 332–344. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15623599.2015.10948

Lawal, A., & Okhankhuele, O. T. (2014). The effet of motivation on project execution in Nigeria: A case study of Bayelsa plastic industry. British Journal of Applied Sciences & Technology, 4, pp. 2985–3002.

Verma, V. K. (1996). The human aspects of project management: Human resource skills for the project manager. (2 ed., Vol. 2). USA: PMI.

Orando, M. (2013). The influence of human behavior factors on construction productivity. PhD Thesis. University of Free State.

Bloemfontein, A., & Okhankhuele, O. T. (2014). The effet of motivation on project execution in Nigeria: A case study of Bayelsa plastic industry. British Journalof Applied Sciences & Technology, 4, pp. 2985–3002.

Dwivedula, R. and Bredillet, C. (2009). The relation between work motiva tion and project management success : an empirical investigation. In International Research Network for Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 9, Berlin. Available at: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/49

