


agracultural sector, martial law, post-war period, state programmes, financial support, grants


The development of the agricultural sector is one of the main aspects of the State's activities under martial law. The agrarian sector is a source of food, a sphere where a large number of labour resources are involved, and an important source of export products. In the context of a full-scale war, its condition is negative, and therefore, state programmes for the development of the agricultural sector are being introduced, which are aimed at improving its condition in the conditions of martial law and post-war. The purpose of the article is to analyse the current state of the agrarian sector under martial law, to consider the specific features of the State programmes for the development of the agrarian sector implemented during a full-scale war and aimed at its post-war development, and to identify the problems and prospects for their implementation. The article uses scientific sources that are currently relevant, regulatory legal acts, analytical data, etc. containing information on the issue under study. The article is theoretical and analytical in nature and is aimed at identifying the main aspects, problems and contradictions, and ways to resolve them. First of all, the article considers the peculiarities of the current state of the agricultural sector during a full-scale war. The author identifies the problems faced by the agrarian sector during martial law, the causes of these problems and their consequences. The main directions of implementation of state programmes for the development of the agrarian sector are highlighted. Examples of programmes for each of the directions and peculiarities of their implementation are considered. The problems of implementation of these programmes and ways to improve their implementation are identified. The results obtained show that most of these programmes do not take into account the peculiarities of the development of the agricultural sector in the post-war period, and recommendations are made with this aspect in mind. The results obtained can be used in other studies on this issue, as well as to develop ways to improve the implementation of state programmes aimed at ensuring the development of the agrarian sector in modern conditions.


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