There are new issues for processing enterprises due to the development of national business and Ukraine integration to world economic system, forcing the competitiveness. It becomes more difficult for government to finance social policy in the country that is the cause of increasing the role of social component or social responsibility of business. Its development and state support is the important task of national economy, where the social components play great role as competitive advantages of processing enterprises. That is why the issue of social responsibility is actual scientific research for national researchers in the conditions of social oriented economy. In conditions of Ukraine adaptation to European development it is necessary for government to refuse old economic model and to create new one that is based on modern requirements and international experience of developed countries. It is important for processing enterprises to include principles and methods of social responsibility in social policy of enterprise. The author researches and characterizes social component to increase the competitiveness of processing enterprises, identifies the important role of social responsibility in national processing enterprises activity. It aims at compliance high standards of economic activity, social standards of staff work, minimization of negative impact on environment; creating the partnership between business, society and state; improving the results of business in long term period. The main obstacles of social responsibility development are highlighted. We find that for social responsibility becomes competitive advantage the chiefs of enterprises should clearly know its structure and use different instruments at all stages for consumer, subordinate, society and country, stakeholders and partners.
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