



anthropocentrism, the essence of the economy, the primacy of human needs and activities, human qualities, the quality of the management elite, professionalism, the competitiveness of the economy


The essence of the economy is revealed from the standpoint of the primacy of human activity and professional and personal qualities of those who, among other things, manage the economy, ie the management elite. Emphasis is placed on the human-centered essence of the economy. The explanation of the human-centered essence of economic development is revealed in detail from the acquaintance with the concept of "economy" from various sources. The purpose of the economy is to influence the improvement of the quality of life of the country's population. The essence of the concept of human-centered is not seen either in terms of meeting human needs, for which, in fact, the economy operates, or in terms of human activity. It is emphasized that human activity ensures the functioning of the economy with the use of natural resources and various technical means, which man himself has created. There are many judgments of well-known Western scientists who have understood the deep foundations of economics related to human activity. Various definitions of the concept of "economy" are given in order to understand its "human" essence, to look for ways to develop it in the right direction. There are some examples that justify the primacy of the human factor in economic development. The primacy of human activity is considered in other economic processes, including economic crises of international scale. Examples of foreign economic development in relation to the formation of efficient economies related to the quality of life of citizens of different countries are given. Ignoring the significant role of human resources in domestic economic processes is revealed. The mental tendency of the ruling elites in the East Slavic lands, from ancient times to the present, is revealed, which proves the neglect of human labor. It is recommended to change this national mental trait: the authorities need to organize the society around the human-centered end results of the activities of state structures with a strong motivation to receive them on the basis of feedback. The man-centered path of economic development of the city-state of Singapore, laid by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. The example of Japan's economic development is explained by the ability to use the country's human potential in the interests of society and the bearers of this potential.


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